These videos and information sheets are all for carrying bikes on the front of the bus. However the principle is the same for loading them onto the rear.
We can supply leaflets, advice and information, as well as the racks themselves. We have demonstration bus racks available, and can bring them to a site for evaluation.
Seattle fitted all its buses with the 2-bike bus racks in 1996. The new 3 bike model have now been fitted to all the City buses to cope with the demand. The original 2 bike versions have been fitted to the buses used on suburban and rural routes. The 3 bike video is
They are fitted to all the buses in Portland.
A fairly technical video (Uni of Alaska, Anchorage)
All the buses in Christchurch carry buses, which are useful for trips through the tunnel under the harbour, or to the towns in the surrounding hills, as well as local use.
Information More InformationThe arguments for installing them are set out well here, in a video done as part of a campaign to get them installed on New York city buses – the only major US city not to have the bus racks fitted as standard
Not just about the bus racks, this is good for both drivers and cyclists to see.